July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress declared Independence
Most of us this holiday will be with family and friends attending parades, picnics and firework displays. That’s because 240 years ago,...

My newest grandchild, Jack Louis, is now three weeks old. I think he is sweet, cuddly and adorable - especially in his little fox outfit....

Teaching Little Fingers to Sew
When I was seven years old, my grandmother taught me how to sew and crochet. I would spend the weekend with her learning how to stitch...

My Artistic Passion - Embroidery
When I was eight years old, my mother put in my hands a sampler to embroider and explained how to stitch. I remember she also told me to...

Eye Candy
A LOVELY day was spent with Heidi Parkes, quilt artist and a 2016 multiple first place winner at QuiltCon West, at the International...

My Day on the Trail
A few weeks ago in mid-March, the Cedarburg Spur Fiber Arts Trail took place. I had a great viewpoint of the day from the Wisconsin...

We all have a family tradition or two that just has to happen every year. One of mine is the annual Valentine's Day party. This family...

The Season of Entertaining Needs Beautiful Table Runners
I love to entertain and host dinner party's. Besides the fun of creating a menu and cooking delicious dishes, I love to set the table....

Nostalgic Halloween Costumes
Seems like most people find Halloween an irresistible event. For me, I just love this time of year with its hay rides, caramel apples,...

TV Interview
I was interviewed today by Chip Brewster of Fox6 for their Real Milwaukee show. Upcoming workshops were highlighted and I helped Chip...