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We all have a family tradition or two that just has to happen every year. One of mine is the annual Valentine's Day party. This family party has been a tradition since I was a little girl.

A heart-themed or Italian meal is always prepared along with a very decadent dessert. Candy conversation hearts and M&M’s are scattered on the table and snacking before dinner is allowed.

Everyone must have a Valentine for everyone. Even the youngest, who is only seven months old, brought playful punch-out animal glasses for his Valentines. I make handmade cards every year.

They all get “mailed” into our large bucket and opened after dessert.

During my son’s teen years, they dreaded, of course, the annual Valentine party. But it still happened and they survived. Now they have their own children and understand what a very nice tradition it is. My oldest grandchild is now a teenager and has a better perspective than they had as teens. She said, “I like our Valentine’s party – it’s really fun!”

I also have a need to create Valentine-themed textile art. Besides Christmas this is the only holiday I wake up with an idea that just has to be made! This year I created this wall-hanging; tiny squares of love themed fabric messy stitched to muslin in rows with an embroidered heart in the center. After stitching it to a black and white check, I painted a canvas and mounted the piece on the canvas.

Other years I've made Valentine pillows. Here are a few:

Happy Traditions Everyone!

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